Thursday, November 17, 2011

40% Job Approval for POTUS - Gallup

Gallup: Reports on its daily tracking poll of the job performance of President Obama, today POTUS has a 40% Approval, while 51% of Average Americans Disapprove of the Obama record. As a wise political operative stated in 1992, it’s the “ Economy Stupid ”, and in 92 the economy was not that bad compared to the Obama years. The Chicago re-elect committee has to create the impression that if Obama is re-elected in 2012 the economy will turn around and if the Republicans are elected it will get worse. If unemployment is still around 9% in November 2012 the Oval will have to go negative, the election cant be allowed to be a referendum of the Obama record, thus the Obama re-elect will have to rubbish the Republican nominee, at the moment the Committee have a problem, they cant just attack Romney and spend the kind of money they have, the reason there a least two other viable Republican candidates in the shape of Herman Cain and former House Speaker, Newt Gingrich. Thus the Oval and the Democrats will have to wait in till at least February for clear candidate, then expect a ugly campaign folks, it’s the Chicago way.

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