Tuesday, October 04, 2011

Gov Christie OUT - No 2012 Run

The New York Times: Reports that Governor Chris Christie of New Jersey has decided not to run for the 2012 Republican nomination. Thus before the expectation that Christie would run we are back to the fight between Governors Romney and Perry, in can be argued with some justification that Perry has blow his chances, the poor debates, the implication that he has a racial problem, the liberal Washington Post ran story that showed that the Perry family had rented a property with a rock outside that had the offensive N word splashed across. The offensive language has been painted over but when this was done has become a matter of much debate. Thus one can almost dismiss Perry as a serious candidate, one would expect Romney to still win the Republican nomination, he is a polished when it comes to debates, he comes from a liberal State, thus he can appeal beyond the Republican base, thus far no personal complications or others, like the one Perry has at the moment. Thus folks it could be President Romney in 2013.

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