Sunday, July 17, 2011

US Debt Ceiling

BBC News: Reports that that President Obama has had talks with Congressional Leaders about increasing the US Debt Ceiling, thus far the talks have not been successful. Folks the only thing Obama has on the table is raising US taxes, the last thing you do in recession is increase taxes on people that invest and hire, this kind of rubbish is the type of thing Obama has been hearing from his liberal friends since Harvard, and its stupid, shows how out of touch Obama is with the real world, his liberal world is all take, tax and tax and never any cuts, the Republican House should not give Obama a d-m thing, call his bluff, the US wont fall over a cliff if the US goes in to default, the markets wont crash, the US is still a major power and the default would force Obama to grow up, elections have consequences mate and you lost in 2010.

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