Sunday, July 17, 2011

50% Disapproval for Obama = Gallup

Gallup: Reports in its latest tracking poll of average voters that POTUS has 50% disapproval rating for his job performance, while 42% approve of the Obama record. This is down to one simple fact, the US voter is not a fool, he/she didn’t need to go to Harvard to get the fact that there will never be a enough rich people to tax to pay for the welfare structure in the US. The only answer the Oval has to the present debt crisis is to call for more taxes, no wonder the rich and large companies are not hiring, they don’t know what other tax Obama is going to come up with, lets get real folks, at the end of the day if you want to pay the high price of welfare in the US you have to tax the middle class till they bleed, since that not going to happen the Democrats play politics while Washington D.C burns, shame on your POTUS.

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