Monday, June 06, 2011

Winter of Discontent Part Two ?

Telegraph: Reports that the Lib Dem Business Secretary Vince Cable has warned unions that they could face tough new strike laws should strikes become a threat to the UK economy. The Conservatives know what happens if you let the Unions get out of control, in the late 1970s the Labour Government faced a winter of discontent, people that had died could not get buried. The Thatcher Governments bought in tougher new Unions laws, these laws broke the power of the unions, thus the Coalition has to two historical case studies, Labour in the 70’s and the Conservative Governments of the 80’s and 90’s. The Unions have been warned, if they become a threat to the UK economy then public sector unions should be banned from striking under heavy legal sanctions or heavily restricted in then nature of strikes, if push comes to shove, the Coalition should be more Thatcher than Thatcher, leadership respected, might not be liked but it is feared, thus the Unions has been warned.

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