Monday, June 06, 2011

51% Disapproval for POTUS

Rasmussen Reports: Has it latest daily tracking poll of likely voters, in this poll POTUS has a 51% Disapproval rating, while 48% Approve of the job performance of President Obama. The Approval at 48% is interesting, in Gallup in its latest poll of average voters, the President is on 47% Approval. Thus it can be argued that Obama is around 47% Approval overall, its not great but it could be worse with a 9.1% unemployment rate. The bounce from the killing of OBL has gone away, there is still some residue thus the fact that POTUS is over 45%. The Obama Chicago re-election committee must hope that the rate does not go to 10% unemployment. In a recent New York Times article; link on this blog; the aides close to the re-election committee stated that they will argue that the voters should not switch horses midstream, that’s a hard argument with the bad stats out from the US economy. But folks it’s a long road, and so far the Republicans don’t have a STAR.

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