Saturday, June 25, 2011

What is a Rebuke ?, Obama and Libya

The US House of Representatives has rejected a resolution that would give President Obama Congressional Approval for the War in Libya, the vote tally was 295 against approval while 123 supported the Libyan operation. It should be noted that 70 Democratic House members voted against their President. But on the other hand the House would not cut off funding for the War, the tally in this vote was 238 against cutting funding, while 180 wanted to cut funding. In this resolution 89 House Republicans voted against cutting funding. Thus a mixed message folks, it can be argued that President Obama has a few months to win this War, if Gaddafi is still in power in the New Year the House just might cut off funding, as the Democratic House cut funding for the Vietnam War in the early 1970s. Thus NATO has to win in Libya, it does not have all the time in the world folks, both the US and the UK are basically broke, even might powers when they are broke have to cut bait, after World War Two the UK gave up India, it was the right thing to do, democracy and all that, but also there was the fact that the Great Britain was broke, from Rome to the Soviet Union to the US, when the money runs out, the Armies have to come home.

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