Saturday, June 25, 2011

Obama Rebuked over Libya = Guardian

Guardian: Reports the following on the rejection by the Republican House of a Resolution that would give the green light for the War in Libya, “ It is an embarrassment for the president to have a vote go against him in time of conflict…”. Thus on one level the House has rebuked the Oval, but it’s a mild rebuke, the House did not cut off funding, the War in Libya is in No Mans Land of War, as NATO is using air power there is a limited threat for the Allies to suffer casualties, one of the good things about not having troops on the ground. But sooner or later something will go wrong, either in the air or at sea something will get hit, it’s the law of averages of folks, then it gets serious for the White House, 10 Downing Street and Paris, but so far they have been lucky, the Libya story is mentioned on the news but only if something has gone wrong with the bombing or other event. The world press just cant wait for Gaddafi to fall, thus different reporters pop up ever few days. The Coalition Government has stated that the War in Libya has cost the UK 260 million and counting, the Armed Forces are making noises that the Navy and Air Force can only do a few months before it reaches it limit. Thus the US, UK and France have to win and soon folks.

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