Saturday, June 25, 2011

Peter Falk Dead = Goodbye Columbo

The New York Times: Reports on the death of the actor Peter Falk. Mr Falk was a fine actor, and he was Columbo, what made Columbo different was that you saw the crime and how it was done at the start and then you saw Lt. Columbo solve the case, how he was looked down on by the weekly murder. But no matter how powerful or intelligent the murder he or she was always caught. What made Columbo was the weekly guest starts, great Hollywood Stars, it was fun seeing the try to outwit Columbo when the faced with Mr Falk and never winning, the star was Peter Falk. Also the guest stars came back, thus you had Captain Kirk, the Prisoner etc coming back to try to foil Columbo and never winning, that was the fun. There was and shall always be only one Columbo, TV detection has lost a great Cop, and the arts have lost a fine actor in Peter Falk.

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