Sunday, April 03, 2011

War Powers Resolution Act 1973 and Libya

The New York Times: Reports that the Obama Administration wont give Congress assurances that it will follow the War Powers Resolution Act of 1973 that requires Congressional approval after 60 days of military action by the President. The War Powers Resolution Act has been seen as illegal by both Republican and Democratic Presidents, the Act came out of the Vietnam War and the mess that was Watergate, it was the Democratic Congress trying to set limits for future Presidents. The Obama Administration is right to tell Congress to get lost, it has been argued that if the Act was ever seen by the US Courts it would be struck down as illegal. The US Foreign Policy cant not be set by five hundred members of Congress who see nothing beyond the next election cycle. The Liberal left will go bonkers, but POTUS should tell them to get lost, lets be honest here folks, the liberal left are not going to attack the first African - American President, that’s the real world. Also on this occasion POTUS is doing the right thing, late but the right thing, lets hope the policy works.

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