Sunday, April 03, 2011

Thanks for Nothing! = Obama on Syria Protests

It shows that the Oval has not thought about dealing with the protests in Syria, here is the short statement by the Obama White House on Syria,We condemn and deplore the use of violence against citizens demonstrating in Syria, and applaud the courage and dignity of the Syrian people. We urge all parties to maintain calm and avoid violence, and call on the Syrian government to respect human rights and to allow for peaceful demonstrations. The Syrian government has an important opportunity to be responsive to the legitimate aspirations of the Syrian people. President Bashar al-Assad has a responsibility to promptly take concrete steps and actions that deliver on his promises and advance a meaningful reform agenda. Violence is not the answer to the grievances of the Syrian people. What is needed now is a credible path to a future of greater freedom, democracy, opportunity, and justice. ”. The Oval cant even get rid of the Mad Dog himself Colonel Gaddafi, its not going to do a d-m thing about Syria, a Syria in revolt would be very dangerous in some respects to both the US, Israel on one hand and Iran on the other, they both have reasons in wanting the Assad regime to last, on the US, Israel side the border between Israel and Syria has been quiet for a long time, better the devil you know kind of policy, on the side Iran it is a close ally of Syria, dose not want its regional plans thrown in the bin by a revolt in Syria. Democracy is great folks, but not when it’s a threat to your national interests.

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