Tuesday, April 05, 2011

1995 US Government Shutdown = 2011 ?

BBC News: Reports that POTUS has bought in Republicans to the White House to discuss avoiding a US Government shutdown. The last US Government shutdown was in 1995 under the Clinton Presidency, in general it seen to have helped Clinton in his re-election in 1996. As then liberal Democrats and their friends in the liberal main stream media will paint the Republicans as extreme, closing down essential services, but this time its different, the US is in debt to the tune of over fourteen trillion, yes folks, TRILLION. The Republicans retook the House based on the plan to curb the Obama spending, the Tea Party supported Republicans should stick to their agenda, they should demand before anything that POTUS withdraw ObamaCare, the White House under President Obama has spent trillions to please its extreme left wing base, well time to PAY folks. The US cant just spend money and expect not to go over a cliff, someone day the dollar could end up like money in the Weimar Republic, that is worthless. Thus time to bite the bullet, take the political hit and the heat form the MSM, the Republicans should refuse to fund the Government in till Obama caves on his health care reform, a suspended Government has not hurt Belgium! This is time for the Republicans to WIN one for the Gipper.

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