Friday, November 05, 2010

44% Approval for POTUS - After the Mid Terms

Gallup: Reports on its latest daily tracking poll on the job performance of President Obama, at present POTUS has a 44% approval rating, while 48% disapprove of the job performance of President Obama. As long as the economy is not creating jobs the Obama approval ratings are going to be below 50%, from the US news reports it seems that President Obama will do a deal to extend the Bush 43 tax cuts to all Americans, this when a deal is made should help President Obama. The political problem for President Obama will come when the Republicans retake the House in January and pass a Bill to revoke ObamaCare, will the Senate Democrats take the blame and stall the Bill or will they allow the Bill to pass and make Obama Veto the Bill. If you’re a Democratic Senator running in 2012 you don’t not want to have to defend ObamaCare, lets see how the Senate Democrats jump.

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