Thursday, October 14, 2010


Telegraph: Reports that President Obama has asked VP Biden to run with him in 2012. If this is true it shows that President Obama has lost the plot and needs to get to a darken room and take some tea and biscuits. Lets deal with Joe Biden first, the man is a walking foot in the mouth, who announces this kind of news before the 2010 Mid Term Congressional Elections when your Party is on the ropes. Also a President going in to a second term needs a VP that can run after his four years, that was the fault with the selection of VP Cheney for the 2nd term, a VP who wants to run will make sure the Administration does not lose all connection with the US voter, thus Bush 41 VP to Ronald Reagan ran in 1988 and won, this was good for the Reagan record and allowed Reagan to leave the mess of Iran - Contra for Bush 41 to clear up at the end of his Presidency. Even to be fair to Al Gore ( takes some effort ) he won the popular vote in 2000 but didn’t win Florida. In the view of Gore it was the fault of Bill Clinton and his Impeachment that he lost the 2000 Presidential Election, even Hillary Clinton in 2008 had face worries as to what Bill would get up to in the White House if he was bored! Thus the elites in the Democratic Party and the liberal elite media will see this as a massive mistake, Obama really needs to dump Biden, does not matter if he likes him, Presidential politics is a ruthless business.

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