Wednesday, October 06, 2010

The Conference Speech by PM David Cameron

BBC News: Reports on the first conference speech by the Coalition PM and Conservative Leader David Cameron. Subjective Verdict: The speech was excellent! The PM attacked the Labour record but didn’t hide the tough spending cuts ahead, he asked the UK voter to come together as he ( generic term ) was called in World War One, thus PM Cameron stated twice that the “ Your Country Needs You ”. The PM stated the importance of the individual in many respects, in a paradox it did recall those famous lines, that there is no such thing as society, the Cameron Society is the Civic Society, thus in a paradox a one nation conservative view of society. Thus you have Thatcherism and One Nation Conservatism merged. That takes some brain power. Its time for the UK voter to get off his backside and get back to work, either through job creation, and getting his neighbour hood back under civic control, no more yobs. It as very JFK in many respects. Objective View: The Speech was to long, could see the point of developing the Big Society argument of David Cameron and how this focus on the individual and groups of people who want to help the Country. The speech was far better than the Ed Miliband speech, that would not take much, but Labour might find that the real successor to Tony Blair is David Cameron, one could have seen Blair at his height stating the very same themes of the speech. Cameron still on to win in 2015.

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