Thursday, August 26, 2010

On Holiday OBAMA is DOWN in POLL

Gallup: Reports on its latest daily tracking poll for President Obama, the President has a disapproval rating of 51%, while 42% of voters approve of Obama’s job performance. Even on holiday President Obama cant move the polls in his direction, the bad economic news is looking bad for the Democrats in the Mid Term 2010 Congressional Elections, between September and late October President Obama has to get his poll ratings up or he will see a Republican House and Senate in January, and they will be saying a NO a lot to the White House. This blog is coming around to the idea that President Obama might not run in 2012, like LBJ in 68 President Obama needs total love, well that not on the cards for 2010 or 2012, a ego like Obama as with LBJ might rather not face losing and getting kicked out by the voters. Obama if he will not change course could decide to strong arm Israel to accept a nuclear armed Iran, he would see that as a victory, in his mind it would be worth being a one term President.

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