Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Gordon Brown = Lord Byron and a Mafia Don ?

Guardian: Reports on more revelations form the Dark Prince Lord Mandelson, the Guardian reports that the ex UK PM Tony Blair stated that his successor was mad, bad etc, but it can be postulated without the writing qualities of Lord Byron and the threatening manner of a Mafia Don, didn’t hear about any horses head in 10 Downing Street. Have to admit this does sound over the top even for New Labour, but on other hand can you see Lady Thatcher putting up with Gordon Brown for a day never mind 10 years. This blog is still waiting to hear why Tony Blair didn’t sack Gordon Brown when he had the chance in 2005, yes Brown would have caused massive problems on the backbenches but at lest it would have been Blair ‘s Government, was Mr Blair afraid that he would share the same fate as Lady Thatcher when she got rid of her opposition. How New Labour every won three elections will be mystery to this blog for many a year, on the whole a bunch of ego maniacs with no self discipline and then there is the Iraq War, what more can you say about New Labour.

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