Friday, June 04, 2010

The Chicago Mob Via Obama and the Liberal NYT

The New York Times: Has a tough editorial on the Sestak and Romanoff affairs, the extreme liberal NYT writes the following on the Obama White House and the actions of President Obama " It would be a good idea for him quickly to become much more aware of what his political operatives are doing,...". It seems that even the bloated liberal New York Times is smelling political Chicago mob methods in the Obama White House, the offering of paid government jobs for candidates not run in state is elections is against US election law, the growing trend shows a Watergate type mentality in the Obama White House, they are starting to believe their own press statements, they think they know what is in the interest of the country and will do what ever it takes, lets see who does that recall, YES, Richard Nixon, it starts in this way, the usual politics then someone down the political ladder goes well beyond that and you have Watergate or Iran - Contra. It is time for Obama to clean house at the White House, bring in a new political team, new Chief of Staff etc, it just might get him re-elected in 2012 and prevent a massive political scandal. Folks the Ego of the White House is heading for a political fall, either in the Mid Term Congressional Elections of 2010 or in the US Court System.

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