Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Obama's Nuclear Dream and the US Senate

Newsweek: Reports on the problems that the new START nuclear Treaty could have getting passed the US Senate, the article states the following, " But it's not entirely clear that a polarized Congress will find the two-thirds majority to ratify the treaty. " The Obama dream of getting rid of nuclear weapons was supported by Ronald Reagan, but the real world is not based on the whims of an American President , even the greats such as Reagan had to see the real world. Thus when President Reagan and President Gorbachev of the USSR agreed to the abolition of all nuclear weapons there was a problem, Reagan could see beyond the his own time and the need to protect the US from future threats, Reagan would remove all nuclear weapons but he wanted a defence in case of a threat to US security. This was a deal breaker for President Gorbachev, in the end Reagan was right, the US and the West needs Anti Missile Defence shield against threats from Iran and North Korea. The difference is that Reagan did not care to be popular with the Nobel Committee, he was President of the United States, he wanted to protect the West, thus while the elite media wanted a deal at any cost, Reagan walked away. One can see Obama in the same meeting saying yes and selling out Western Security so he can be popular with the New York Times.

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