Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Liberal NATION supports SDI and Reagan

It is interesting, you can tell when Liberals think that the have to protect President Obama from his own statements, this is classic case, the new Obama nuclear plan is already seen as weak and a threat to the security of the United States. Thus what does the bible for liberals roll out, yes they know connect the Obama dream for no nukes to Reagan's same dream. Thus to protect their own weak liberal President the article states the following, ".......there is now a plausible case to be made for anti-missile defense. Reagan always insisted that his Strategic Defense Initiative program was a means toward nuclear arms cuts and ultimately the abolition of these horrific implements of mass death... " In other words folks bright liberals know that if Obama does not get re-elected all their dreams go down the toilet with his Administration. The Republicans will reverse all of Obama's domestic and international agenda, thus when Reagan starts to get support from extreme liberals the game might be up for Obama already, think how his nuclear policy will go down with middle American. In essence Obama has stated that if Iran or North Korea use terrorists thus no fingerprints to attack the US with nuclear, biological or chemical weapons the US will not take action, it will get in the lawyers to check the small print. That is why Obama will be a major loser in 2012 folks, you cant be a liberal on the domestic front and abroad, it one or another, that is the point that Obama does not get, arrogance, hubris and naivety come at a price folks, losing by 49 states could be the price that Obama has to learn, he wont like it but he might learn that he does not walk on water, its a hard lesson but it will be fun to see him learn that lesson.

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