Sunday, April 18, 2010

Obama SNUBS Poland Again!

It seems that President Obama cant stand not to be the centre of attention, it was planned due to the tragic death of President Kaczynski of Poland for President Obama to be at the funeral, but recent volcanic action has prevented flights around the World, the White House has stated the following from Obama to Poland, "I spoke with acting President Komorowski and told him that I regret that I will not be able to make it to Poland due to the volcanic ash that is disrupting air travel over Europe. Michelle and I continue to have the Polish people in our thoughts and prayers, and will support them in any way I can as they recover from this terrible tragedy. President Kaczynski was a patriot and close friend and ally of the United States, as were those who died alongside him, and the American people will never forget the lives they led." If AF1 can fly during a nuclear attacks it can find a way to Poland that is secure, hardly a great surprise that Obama does not want to show his face in Poland, he sold out Poland to get a deal with Russia over Iran, and lets see what has Obama got for his selling out of an Ally , lets see nothing, any new round of sanctions passed by the UN will be weak, and this gives time for Iran to go nuclear. As the Robert Gates has stated to the White House the US does not have a plan to deal with a nuclear armed Iran, what the US does not have is real leader, there is always the US Navy to travel to Poland, it was good enough for FDR, it should have been good enough for President Obama. If the leader of North Korea had died one can be sure that Obama would be bowing to the new leader.

1 comment:

chris said...

Insightful. Our news media just blindly reprints the White House press releases without critical thinking. Just another snub of loyal allies for the sake of convenience. Air Force One has unlimited access to fuel and routes and can easily maneuver around the ash.