Sunday, April 18, 2010

Iran = THE BOMB and the US

The Sunday Times: Reports on a secret memo by US Defence Secretary Robert Gates that argues that the US does not have a long term strategy should Iran get the bomb or have the parts but does not cross that red line. The Secretary has missed the point, its not that the US does not have a strategy, its the weak President in the Oval that the Gates has to worry about, Obama has shown that he is combination of Carter/Chamberlain, thus he will not take military action to stop the Tehran Regime, he likes to be loved to much, that can be a weakness in a leader, it can be a disaster in a US President. The Obama policy is to go for a Cold War policy of containment, this would be a disaster, it could lead to a nuclear arms race in the Middle East, these countries have seen how Obama sold out Poland and the Czech Republic to Russia, thus do they really trust Obama to come to their assistance if they are under nuclear blackmail from Iran. One can see Iraq becoming a satellite of Iran after the US has left, simple reason Iran will have the bomb and Iraq wont, its that simple folks. The Defence Secretary should send another memo to Obama, a history lesson starting with Munich of 1938 and the weak policy of the UK Government to the strong policy of Reagan that lead to the end of the Cold War and the end of the USSR.

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