Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Munich 1938 Obama Style

ABC News: Reports that President Obama has admitted the fourth round of sanctions against Iran wont be a magic bullet to bring the Tehran Regime to heel over its nuclear ambitions. Its sad to say but it seems that a bright President like President Obama has mistaken action for substance, Iran will laugh in the face of Obama, this is Munich but worse, at least with Munich the UK gained a year to build up its Armed Forces, with bowing to Iran Obama has shown himself to be weak, that might work well in the Court folks but in real world of International Community they just laugh, if you have a weak President you have Jimmy Carter. This is the problem with the psychological flaw of Obama, he has been told that he is fantastic so many times he cant tell the difference any more, its the same hubris that was shared by Neville Chamberlain. Thus when Iran gets the bomb, and Iran will get the bomb folks historians will look back to the PR stunt of the nuclear conference in Washington D.C as the modern version of Munich. At the end of the day Obama does not get one fact, you can be liked till the end of time, but fear helps in the real world, you might like your boss, but also have the fear he will boot you out if economic circumstance change, Obama has bankrupted the US with his health care reform, now he wants to diminish the US as the leader of the Western World. Lets be honest folks neither China or Russia fear Obama, thus the West has another Jimmy Carter, lets hope in 2012 that the Republicans elect a Reagan nominee to defeat Obama in the Presidential race of that year.

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