Saturday, April 17, 2010

Labour fear of ELECTION RESULT!

The Times: Reports on the remarks by the Home Secretary Alan Johnson, the Home Secretary has stated the positive aspects of a Hung Parliament. In other words folks the Labour Party has thrown in the towel about winning the election, its not going to happen, so we are moving in to another Labour/Liberal pact, this was a nightmare in the 1970s folks. It took Lady Thatcher to clean up the mess the last time these Parties got together. What I find interesting about the polls is that in a odd way a Liberal surge should hurt the Conservatives as in most Tory target seats its the LibDems that are the second party, but if the LibDems go left they could really hurt the Labour Party, it will be interesting to see after the 2nd leaders debate. The second debate is about Foreign Affairs, this time Gordon Brown cant agree with his friend Nick, as Nick wants to get rid of the UK's nuclear arsenal, thus Labour and the Conservative Party should be on the same page. Also expect the Tory press to take the shine off the LibDems, the LibDems promise a lot but then they don't have to deliver. One can argue that the UK voter is looking for a way out of the economic mess, they want to be conned that there is no need for drastic cuts after the election, thus in many respects the politicians might see the reality by the voter wants to think its always Summer, it is not folks, a cold winter is coming, they UK voter better get around to the fact or they will be angry not with themselves but with the politicians, the Voter is never wrong.

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