Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Path to Health Care Reform

WSJ: Reports on the political problems faced by the Democratic Leadership in getting the House and Senate to pass health care reform. This is the time for Blue Dog Democrats in the House to walk away from the leadership, the House leadership are from safe liberal districts, while moderate and blue dog Democrats come form Republican or moderate states, if they vote for the Obama health care plan they will be out of office in the Mid Term Congressional Elections. In the Senate moderate Senators have a choice, if they support the nuclear option of 51 votes to get health care reform through they could be also out in November. The question the House Senate must ask is do the trust Obama to be a vote winner in eight months down the line, lets see how did the Mass vote go, yes a Republican took the Kennedy Seat, in liberal Mass of all places, yes these Senators will be looking at the end of their political careers if they vote for this plan, some of them have Presidential plans, thus time to walk away from Obama.

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