Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Bush 45 ?

The Hill: Reports that the former Governor of Florida, Governor Jeb Bush has waded in to Senate fight to support the Conservative Candidate. Are we starting to see a step in the process that could see another Bush Presidency. Its not that foolish folks, Jeb Bush was always the golden son of Bush 41, it was because he lost a run for Governor that Bush 43 became the star of the Bush Dynasty. Lets think down the road folks, lets postulate that President Obama turns in to Jimmy Carter, the economy is in a mess and the USA is seen as weak on the world stage, the two things that Jeb Bush would have going for him would be the Bush name, Bush 41 as a father and Bush 43 as a brother, there would be the expectation that Jeb Bush would be strong on Foreign Affairs and is seen as smarter than Bush 43. Thus this move on the economic side to show that he is a Conservative on the domestic agenda. Thus don't be surprised folks to see Jeb Bush as President 2012.

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