Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The Obama Political Style - Health Care Reform

The New York Times: Reports on how President Obama deals with the actual way to get bills passed by Congress, the article states the following, ".....he has often succeeded by relying on Democratic leaders in Congress to do his bidding........ it is not clear....., consensus-building style will be enough. ". This shows the flaw in the Obama style, the leaders Speaker Pelosi and Senator Reid are under the political control of the liberals in the House and Senate, its not them that Obama has to worry about it, its the blue dog democrats in the House and moderates in the Senate, they are not going to flush their political futures down the toilet to make Obama happy. Thus Obama can spend hours and days with the leadership but if the boat; health care reform; has a massive hole due to the lack of votes it does not matter. Thus if blue dog democrats in the House see Obama as a voter loser in their districts they will flush health care reform down the toilet, and it will not matter how good Obama is at rhetoric, this is about the real world of politics, not a President who reads his own press statements.

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