Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Trojan Horse by Iran

BBC News: Reports the UN's IAEA ( International Atomic Energy Agency ) has presented a plan for Iran to send the majority of its nuclear material to Russia first and then France before being returned for peaceful means in Iran. This is a perfect plan for Iran, it can send its public nuclear material out and then use its hidden nuclear material to make the bomb, its a perfect Trojan Horse for Iran. On the whole don't trust Russia or France, so what will the Obama Administration do with the issue, that's easy they will want to take the deal, but its not up to them, it depends on the reaction of Israel, and what its Intelligence Network the Mossad knows about Iran's nuclear hidden facilities and nuclear material. This is a game, Iran is playing for time, if Obama does not react then Israel will, can any one reading this blog but their hands on their hearts and say they trust Iran. Iran wants to be a nuclear power, its that simple and brutal, anything else is a game, and Iran is past master of games with the West. The question will Iran be allowed to play the role of the Greeks and their destruction of Troy by the use of a faint, the legend that was the Trojan Horse.

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