Wednesday, October 21, 2009

No Lifeboat for Mr Craig!

The New York Times: Reports that Mr Gregory Craig the White House Counsel ; the Presidents lawyer; could be on the way out, he has failed to close Guantánamo Bay Detention Centre for terrorists. In all White House's if there is a major failure there has to be someone thrown over board, it can never be President, the NYT writes the following on Mr Craig, " for months now, he has endured a spate of speculation in print and around the White House about whether he is on the way out. " Every President sooner or later has to be a good butcher, JFK has to get rid the Director of CIA after the Bay of Pigs, Ronald Reagan had to fire his Chief of Staff after Iran - Contra. It was either the President or the Staff that had to go; in all cases its the staff, did not matter if they had done anything, the politics of Washington D.C called for a head, thus it seems that for the Obama White House it has to be Mr Craig. One has to wonder why Mr Craig is still there, cant he read the tea leaves, the critical hatched job in the Washington Post should have been a good indicator, its time for Mr Craig to Obama a favour and fall on his sword, time for him to move on and write his book about his time in the Clinton and Obama White House.

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