Friday, September 04, 2009

The Effect of Leaving Afghanistan - Guardian

Guardian: Article on the regional politics of Afghanistan pre 9/11, the balance of power struggle between the regional powers, India, Pakistan, Russia and Iran. The article states the following, " conditions in the subcontinent were much more unstable before the US invasion.........and will get worse if the US leaves with Afghanistan in limbo. " The question is how long can President Obama can keep his Liberal base in check, the extreme Liberal The New York Times has already started to increase the negative stories about Afghanistan, the election fraud the loss of soldiers; yes its following the Iraq game book; the Liberal power brokers in the House have started to popped their heads above the para pit to be critical of the Obama policy on Afghanistan. Lets be honest and direct here, Obama has about 12 - 18 months to turn Afghanistan around, not forty years or three years, if Afghanistan has turned in to another Vietnam the Liberals in Congress will have their own death panel on Afghanistan and pull the plug. Thus Obama cant take the less risky option on Afghanistan, he has to win, or he will be another LBJ. Read of the Day.

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