Sunday, September 06, 2009

Green Czar OUT of West Wing

The New York Times: Reports that Van Jones, Obama's Green Czar has resigned due to his crude comments on Republicans and his past left wing conspiracy views as to 9/11, that Bush 43 allowed the act to free him to go to war. Lets be honest here, the crude comment used by Mr Jones was used by Bush 43 to describe a journalist on the Campaign trial. As to what is Mr Jones views on 9/11 that is hard to say, he has retracted his past views on the subject. The New York Times states the following, " Mr. Jones did not go through the traditional vetting process for administration officials who must be confirmed by the Senate. " Thus a get out clause for the Obama White House, just one problem, one of Obama's inner circle has stated that the Obama team had kept an eye on Jones for some time as to bring him in the Administration. In pure political terms Obama has to learn that he might have used left wingers to climb the greasy poll of politics in Chicago but he is now POTUS, he can not afford that type of loyalty, all former friend who are in the Administration are just Staff now, when they become a problem they are thrown to the overboard, he can be friends with them after his first or second term ends. Obama has to learn the Truman point, if a President wants a friend get a dog! Ronald Reagan was ruthless, if a person was a problem they were out, its that simple and brutal. Obama has to learn that fast or his past friends will damage his Administration.

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