Sunday, September 06, 2009

The Effect of Leaving Afghanistan on Pakistan Has an interesting article on the choices facing President Obama when comes to Afghanistan, the article looks at the effect on Pakistan should the USA leave, ".......... provides a base from which U.S. forces can hit al-Qaida..... ......... severely undermine the resolve of Pakistani officials to deal with the..............northwest provinces " Thus when President Obama looks at Afghanistan he also has to understand that any weakness on Afghanistan could have a damaging effect on Pakistan, it has been rumoured that the US Military want forty five thousand new troops in country to secure the security of the population, that the US cant win but just killing the Taliban/Terrorists, thus the need for a new Obama surge. The Elite Press have already started to go negative on Afghanistan, but they are following the same game book they used to make Iraq Bush 43's Vietnam. Obama is in the shoes of LBJ in 1965, does he send more troops or get out, those are the only real options, a middle cause would be sending half the Military request, this would be disaster for Obama, he would be putting off a decision the same as LBJ in 1964, Johnson wanted to win the 1964 Presidential Election before taking action on Afghanistan, but in the end he had to send in the troops, since Obama has made Afghanistan his War, he cant walk away now, it would look weak and would make the world question Obama's metal in a crisis. Iran is watching how Obama operates in Afghanistan. Thus Obama should grant the US request for the troops, but make sure they understand they have a year to win. Read of the Day.

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