Friday, August 21, 2009

Security Leak by The New York Times

The New York Times: Has more reporting on the role of the private company Blackwater in the USA's War on Terror. This time the NYT reports that Blackwaters arms the Drones that have been very effective against the Taliban/Terrorists. The NYT writes the following, " The division’s operations are carried out at hidden bases in Pakistan and Afghanistan, .......... existence of the Predator base in Jalalabad has not previously been reported. " This is a very dangerous leak by the extreme Liberal New York Times, now the Taliban/Terrorists know that the Drones are not only in Pakistan but they are in Afghanistan. Lets see how long before the Taliban/Terrorists try to hit the base in Afghanistan. If any people are killed due to the attack in Afghanistan the blood will be on the hands of the New York Times. It seems that the extreme Liberal New York Times can cover for Stalin but will not keep the security of the United States. I hope shareholders and those that advertise in the extreme Liberal New York Times will now consider either selling their shares or not advertising in this rag of journalism.

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