Friday, August 21, 2009

Deaths in Afghanistan

MOD: Reports on the death of two British soldiers on Thursday, the soldiers came from " one from 3rd Battalion The Yorkshire Regiment (Duke of Wellington's) and one from 2nd Battalion The Rifles " Thus since 2001 the UK has lost 206 of its Armed Forces Personnel in Afghanistan, in that total we have lost 175 due to combat action and another 31 due to accidents, illness or other incidents. All of our Armed Forces Personnel have died in a fight to give democracy to Afghanistan, the two elections in Afghanistan since 2001 has shown that they have not died in vain. The UK Government under PM Brown needs to send more troops and kit, also transport that protects our Forces while in action. Lets hope we are not in Afghanistan for 40 years, but if we have to be, lets make sure our Armed Forces Personnel know that we support them and we also support the demand for more troops and equipment, also for better care of our injured soldiers. Those that have died and suffered long term injuries are brave and should be seen as heroes.

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