Thursday, August 06, 2009

1960 Chicago = 2009 Afghanistan

The Times: Reports that people that don't exist have been added to the voting rolls for the Presidential Election at the end of August in Afghanistan. This recalls the 1960 fraudulent election in Chicago that saw the perceived election of President John F. Kennedy. They had people voting who had fought in the American War of Independence, fraud in other words. How ironic that once we get a Chicago Politician in the White House we get a fraudulent election in Afghanistan, the Olympic Gods must be smiling. Thus if as expected the Western supported President Karzai wins the Obama Administration will have to support a dubious elected President, why does that ring a bell? Of course if we have a dubious election win what can we say to Government of Iran who also rigged the election in their favour. Thus President Obama might look a hypocrite if he supports Karzai but wont talk to Iran because it had a rigged election. The original Mayor Daley from 1960 fraudulent election has a lot answer for, he could in way really mess up USA Foreign Policy with a country, Iran that is its way to the nuclear club.

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