Thursday, August 06, 2009

The Guardian vs Murdoch

Guardian: Reports on the decision by Mr Murdoch to charge to read his news contest on the Web. As pointed out in my own post, most good bloggers always link back to the original source but they are not going to pay for creating more money for Mr Murdoch. If you blog as an example on Afghanistan, the Times as the paper of record in the UK is an excellent source, thus your own slant might be different from the source material but you always link back, thus the source in this case the Times gets to sell its add space and make more money that most bloggers ever see or want, its just citizen journalism not for profit. If you Mr Murdoch starts to charge then sorry this blogger will not use that a guide for news, thus Mr Murdoch will lose links back to his web pages and thus his add revenue will go down. I would rather pay the New York Times and as readers of this blog might guess I have a low view of the Liberal NYT. At least they have a fair policy when it comes to blogging. If Mr Murdoch want lose his power within the political system then he should start to charge, I guess I will start to link to sources to want their articles to be linked to from the blogs.

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