Thursday, August 06, 2009

The End of Blogging ?

BBC News: Reports that Rupert Murdoch is going to start to charge people to read news content on his different Papers and Cable News on the Web. This could be end of modern blogging, blogging brings you the news but with a bloggers own slant on the news, thus you get the news and a review as on this blog. It can be argued Mr Murdoch is making a mistake, all good bloggers have a link back to the source of the news, thus the source can get traffic from a blog. If your going to charge to read articles and thus make a link this will cut the normal joe who bloggs on his favourite subject. If your Middle Class or a rich blogger you can afford the cost or you make a deal with Mr Murdoch to get lower costs. Folks it does not matter if your left or right this is another fight we who blog have to fight, this is a fight for the ordinary blogger, you might have to start blogging on train time tables. A call to blogging arms here folks, let Mr Murdoch know we oppose this on a access level also its bad business, lets start the fight folks.

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