Sunday, July 26, 2009

Obama on Race

Rasmussen Report: Reports on how the USA feels President Obama has dealt with the Gates case, not good news, only 26% approve of the way Obama has handled the issue, on the negative side 46% give him a negative grade. The Gates case shows that even a good politician and Obama just might be up there with JFK and Reagan can make a mistake, Obama should have side stepped the issue, he won in Iowa in 2008 because he was not Hillary Clinton and he was seen as the first African - American to be post racial, looking forward not looking back to the 1960s. Then when a African - American Harvard Professor is arrested is in a odd case, the President jumps and blames the white police officer. As stated this might go down well with the Liberal Base and African Americans, it can cause those that supported and voted for him to think that they had been conned. As the statement was made in a press conference about Health Reform it become the major issue not health care, thus the President after seeing the polls came out and said both men had overreacted and invited them to the White House for a beer. Thus Obama has to get the fact, don't get involved in local issues when it comes to race, that is what a Congressman or Senator is for, he is POTUS. The President these days has to cope with a 24/7 news cycle, he can not afford to get caught up in a issue that has nothing to do with him and hurts him on the Hill. A Blue Dog Congressman or woman might think after seeing the Polls that Obama would hurt him or her in the Mid Term Congressional Elections, thus better to vote against his Health Reform Package. The Obama West Wing has to manage the media but make sure their man does not go off message, thus the discipline of the Campaign has to come back to the Obama West Wing.

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