Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tough Talk on Iran and North Korea - Hillary Clinton

Politico: Reports on the appearance of Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on the Sunday Talk Show, Meet the Press. The Secretary had tough words for Iran and North Korea, on Iran Secretary Clinton stated that Iran would not be allowed to go nuclear, North Korea would not be allowed to blackmail the International System. This is a very canny move by Hillary Clinton, it places pressure on Iran and North Korea but also places pressure on Obama, one thing Hillary Clinton is not going to be is a Neville Chamberlain for Obama, thus he more hawkish Secretary Clinton is the harder it is for Obama. President Obama understands it can be argued that he can be quite Liberal at home, Health Care Reform, environment issues, but the American voter draws the line at another Jimmy Carter. Lets be honest here, Obama is a politician, all politicians want to be loved by the voter, some need the love more, but its part of the package of all politicians. Also when it comes to Foreign Policy he is limited in what he can do, should Israel bomb Iran the Congress will support Israel, no matter what Obama wants or feels. Thus he can plead with Israel, threaten Israel up to a point, the Congress would always override any action to punish Israel. Obama's main worry has to be that should Israel hit Iran, Iran would then hit US Forces in Iraq, thus Obama would have another War on his hands, the Liberal left would of course go bonkers. Thus Obama should follow the JFK and Reagan line on Foreign Policy, talk but first have a hawkish Defence policy, his winning personality will not work with President Ahmadinejad.

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