Sunday, July 26, 2009

Obama needs Republican VOTES for Health Care Reform

Fox News: Reports that in the US Senate President Obama will need Republican votes to pass his Health Care Reform. Even if the the Liberal Leadership in House of Representatives can push the Blue Dog Democrats in the House to vote for the Obama Plan, in the Senate its a different matter. In the Senate Obama needs 60 votes, in theory he has the votes but in fact Senators from Conservative states are not going to vote for a bill that costs a Trillion Dollars and has no Republican support. Thus Obama now needs show that he has the political skills of LBJ and Reagan, he needs Republicans, its that simple, no Republicans no Heath Care, no Second Term Presidency. Lets see how good a political operator Obama is, can he make deals, it should be noted that LBJ got his civil right bills through Congress not with total Democratic support but with Republicans putting him over the top, House members from the South could not afford to vote for the LBJ Bill. Ronald Reagan got Democratic support for his economic budget, he rolled the Democratic Leadership. Thus lets see what Obama has learned from Chicago politics.

1 comment:

B said... just conducted a study exploring how effective two ads were in changing people’s opinions of the new health care plan. Results showed a decreased level of support for the current U.S. health care plan across all political parties after watching anti health care reform ad. More in-depth results can be seen at Thanks.