Friday, July 24, 2009

The Liberal Media and the Obama Health Care Reform

The New York Times: Reports on how voters have taken a negative reaction to the Obama Health Care Reform, it seems the Liberal New York Times is still an avid fan of Obama, the extreme Liberal NYT writes the following, " Recent polls have detected a modest slippage in public support....." That is like saying the Titanic had a minor problem on the way to New York. As last post, Rasmussen Report has Obama under 50% in approval ratings, what are these polls going to be like if unemployment goes up and his economic package is seen as not working, the Health Care Reform Bill could define the the Domestic Agenda of the Obama Presidency and more important for Democrats if they lose control the House after 2010. If the House goes on Holiday it will be interesting to see what the voters say about the Bill, the Bill could be dead and buried when Congress comes back, the voters could have sent a clear message that this is one thing Obama cant sell and if the Democratic Congress pass this bill they could be out of office in 2010.

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