Friday, July 24, 2009

The Obama Magic on the Fade ?

Rasmussen Report: The respected pollster runs a daily tracking poll on the job approval for President Obama, the President has fallen below 50%. The result for today shows that 51% of likely voters disapprove of the Presidents performance, while 49% approve of the Obama Presidency. Thus the push by President Obama on health reform could well make him a lame duck president after just six months in office. As a sidebar the President should not allow himself to get dragged in to race questions, he won the Iowa on the presumption that he was Post - Racial Candidate, in less Obama is present at a questionable arrest of a friend he should keep his mouth shut, it might make the Liberal base happy but it can lose you Iowa. Obama should leave local issues at the local level, now every time a racial charge question comes up Obama will have to avoid the impression that his first reaction is the blame the White guy, the President is seems was listening in his Church over twenty years.

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