A look at the Politics of the United States and the UK. The Foreign Policies of both countries and how they behave in the International Community.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
More Deaths in Afghanistan
Since the last blog two more soldiers have been killed in Afghanistan. UK Deaths now stand at 68.
Media and the Special Relationship
A look at how the Media has covered the meeting between Bush and Brown:
Telegraph: As the article points out, different time, a different British PM and therefore a different Special Relationship,
Guardian: A interesting article that points out that it is not the spin of the Brown that counts but what the UK does, VIEWS still states that the UK will not cut and run from Iraq. Brown wants to win a election and Iraq going to hell in a hand basket would not help his chances. Think mass murder every day on TV from Iraq and the very same reports asking what the UK is going to do to get out of Iraq asking how we can get back in to to save the people of Iraq.
Telegraph: As the article points out, different time, a different British PM and therefore a different Special Relationship,
Iraq Round Up
Here are some interesting articles on Iraq:
The New York Times: Has the NYT smelled the coffee and decided to cover itself in case Iraq works. A article that suggests that the USA might win in Iraq. Yes it is in the NYT and it is real.
Washington Post: A first, a Democrats who has some common sense when it comes to Iraq. The Article reports that the Majority Whip in the House wants the Democrats to hold their fire when it comes to Iraq. There is concern that the up coming report in September could cause major problems for the Democrats if the report is positive.
The New York Times: Has the NYT smelled the coffee and decided to cover itself in case Iraq works. A article that suggests that the USA might win in Iraq. Yes it is in the NYT and it is real.
The Special Relationship
I wonder did President George W. Bush miss his old friend Tony Blair over the weekend. The Special Relationship has a new start. Brown has seen how getting to close to President Bush hurt the political prospects for Tony Blair, one of the reasons for his early retirement as PM and of course Iraq. On the other hand the Special Relationship between the USA and UK has always had its ups and downs, Roosevelt/ Churchill. Kennedy/MacMillan, Reagan/Thatcher, Bush/Blair worked. On the other hand, Johnson/ Wilson and Clinton/ Major was on the down side, Wilson would not get in to Vietnam, wise move, and Major was a Conservative while Clinton was a Democrat, different views of politics.
I wonder did President George W. Bush miss his old friend Tony Blair over the weekend. The Special Relationship has a new start. Brown has seen how getting to close to President Bush hurt the political prospects for Tony Blair, one of the reasons for his early retirement as PM and of course Iraq. On the other hand the Special Relationship between the USA and UK has always had its ups and downs, Roosevelt/ Churchill. Kennedy/MacMillan, Reagan/Thatcher, Bush/Blair worked. On the other hand, Johnson/ Wilson and Clinton/ Major was on the down side, Wilson would not get in to Vietnam, wise move, and Major was a Conservative while Clinton was a Democrat, different views of politics.
It can be argued that Brown and Bush have to much to lose to go different paths, we are in two theatres of War together, Iraq and Afghanistan. It does not matter how they get on in the personal relationship side, what counts is their national interest that will decided Foreign Policy. The UK might want to get out of Iraq but it can not afford to push the Americans away as we might need them as they are the only super power. Europe has the bluster of France but no spine, real trouble and they fold, in the end there is only the USA and the UK that matter, because when the old tea bags hit the fan its the UK and the USA that has to clean up the mess.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
White House and Congress Battle Never Ending!
Chicagotribune.com: A interesting article on the battle between Congress and the White House on the powers of the President and Congress. The Battle could take years and who knows who will be in charge, could there be a Democratic President and a Republican Congress. History has a way of playing tricks, could the Congress win but the shoe be on the other foot and a Democratic President using the Bush argument and the Republican Congress using the Democratic argument.
A Role of a Vice - President
Vice - President Cheney gets more press than the President, here is an attack from Walter F. Mondale, yes that Mondale, Vice - President to Jimmy Carter the worst American President in American History. I mean Carter or Nixon I would pick Nixon to be President any day. The usual argument that we are in Watergate Waters. It seems that American Liberals can not see that we live in a post 9/11 world and the actions of the Bush Administration are the best polices to follow in this new grim world.
Reagan Diaries Review TLS
A great review of the Ronald Reagan Diaries in the Times Literary Supplement. All the reviews of the Reagan Diaries themselves have been good, many see the greatness of Reagan. On how they have been produced would have to agree with the Review. At present reading the Duff Cooper Diaries, that is the better way to show all aspects of the Diary. The Review states the following, " Any authentic diary as this one certainly is, must be full of incomplete, abbreviated or downright cryptic references which need to be elucidated by amplifications and insertions, explanatory footnotes and more extended notes too. " The Cooper Diaries fulfill the above review and are a great read as was the Reagan Diaries but the Diaries needed a Michael Bescholss to fill in the gaps and tell the reader what happened in cases if the story in not well known. In other words get the Reagan Diaries and enjoy the thoughts of a great President.
Iraq Withdrawal?
I thought media spin was dead and buried, well no it seems, a interesting article in the Sunday Times, word through back channels is that the new Prime Minister wants to get out of Iraq. The time when the Surge is having some effect and the new Prime Minister has read to much of the New York Times it seems, wants to get out faster than planned. It looks like Gordon Brown has allowed the need for distance from Tony Blair to sway his judgement when it comes to Iraq if the story has some legs. If Iraq falls it will make Afghanistan look like happy hour. As an old British Prime Minister said to an American President, " Don't Wobble " well the President needs to say to the new British Prime Minister a similar argument when it comes to Iraq.
Thursday, July 26, 2007
New Era for UK and the USA
The New Era gets a Special Relationship start this weekend when Gordon Brown goes to Washington D.C to meet President George W. Bush. The Meeting takes place at Camp David. VIEWS has his doubts that the relationship will be as special as it was between Thatcher/Reagan and Bush and Blair.
The Whole Truth?
It is with great surprise not that VIEWS read that the US Democrats in Congress had called for a Special Prosecutor to look at the possibility that the Attorney General of the United States, Alberto Gonzales had perjured himself before a Congressional Committee. They also want Karl Rove to talk to them hence he has been subpoenaed. The Administration should play hard ball this is a time of war, this is not Watergate no matter what the Democrats think of the matter. Take the matter to the mat, in other words fight them and win.
New Poll - GWU - Battleground 08
A new Poll shows how effective Senator Obama would be in a national match up against Ex - Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani. Here is the raw data:
US Presidential Election in 2008:
Obama 52 %
Giuliani 43 %
On the other hand a match up against Giuliani and Clinton would create the following results.
Giuliani 50 %
Clinton 44 %
It should be noted that neither Fred Thompson or Al Gore have entered the race as of today. But from the Polls it could just be the year for Obama.
US Presidential Election in 2008:
Obama 52 %
Giuliani 43 %
On the other hand a match up against Giuliani and Clinton would create the following results.
Giuliani 50 %
Clinton 44 %
It should be noted that neither Fred Thompson or Al Gore have entered the race as of today. But from the Polls it could just be the year for Obama.
Death in Afghanistan
Another Soldier has been killed in Afghanistan, UK deaths now stand at 66. What is the plan for victory, can there be victory in the Bloody Place.
Rome has finished, but good old BBC 2 has a great new show, Heroes. I have of course head of it, cant miss it in the Sci - Fiction geek world. Views was one of those that dismissed Buffy the Vampire Slayer because of the name, VIEWS cant be right all the time. As with Buffy I head so much great reviews about the scripts and the acting well gave Buffy a look and was hooked, the best drama on TV in my humble view. As a policy when Views hears so much great reaction to something as with the case with Heroes I try not to like a show, well I admit I was wrong. Of the first two shows it was great and am hooked will be watching for the next 21 weeks on BBC 2 at 9pm.
Death in Afghanistan
Another death in Afghanistan in total 65 UK Service Personnel have been lost. I wish we had a plan for getting out of Afghanistan as we have in Iraq. Afghanistan is a constant worry, how do we win can we win.
Theatre of the Absurd
The Democrats in the House have entered the Theatre of the Absurd. They have cited present and past officials of the Bush Administration for contempt of Congress in the US Attorneys firings. The Bush Administration should not back down as they could and should win in Court.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Congress V White House
The Democratic Congress is like a dog that is barking for no reason, again it is the firing of the U.S Attorneys.
Here are some interesting articles on the case.
The Politico: The leading Republican on Senate Judiciary Committee is not very happy with the A.G and that is a understatement. He does not support the right of the President to announce he will use Executive Privilege to close down investigation of the firing of US Attorneys.
Fox News: A showdown is developing between the Congress and the White House. Congress is about to pass Contempt Citations against those in the administration and those that have served.
Here are some interesting articles on the case.
Washington Post: The article looks at the mistrust between the Senate and the Attorney General of the United States. The Republicans on the Panel don't have much time for the A.G.
The Politico: The leading Republican on Senate Judiciary Committee is not very happy with the A.G and that is a understatement. He does not support the right of the President to announce he will use Executive Privilege to close down investigation of the firing of US Attorneys.
Fox News: A showdown is developing between the Congress and the White House. Congress is about to pass Contempt Citations against those in the administration and those that have served.
Obama Plan?
A interesting article in the Politico, it seems that Senator Obama wants to follow the Reagan method to winning the nomination of the Party. It should be noted that the Reagan victory in 1980 came off nearly winning the nomination in 1976 against a sitting President of the United States, President Ford. History can teach and create new ideas, change Ford to Clinton and then look at the possible development of a plan. Reagan lost early rounds but came back, when the press stated he should get out he stated to his staff he would fight in every state no matter if he won or loss. President Ford won the nomination but it was a marginal victory by a hundred votes or so, Reagan's campaign started from there and he won in 1980.
Senator Obama has to turn the 2008 race around and go back to the past, Clinton is Ford and Obama has to slog all the way, even with early defeats he has to fight all the states, the time is compressed this time but the Senator has a chance to pull off a victory.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
The Debate and 2008
Here are some interesting articles:
Time : Obama gets a A grade from Time for his performance in the Debate.
Time : Clinton gets a B+ for the debate. I have stated that the MSM supports Hillary Clinton.
The Daily Standard : Has Clinton winning the Debate. But Standard is Conservative in nature might not get the what Liberals want to hear, cue Obama again won the debate.
Time : Obama gets a A grade from Time for his performance in the Debate.
Time : Clinton gets a B+ for the debate. I have stated that the MSM supports Hillary Clinton.
The Daily Standard : Has Clinton winning the Debate. But Standard is Conservative in nature might not get the what Liberals want to hear, cue Obama again won the debate.
New Gallup Poll
A new Gallup Poll has Giuliani ahead of Clinton by three points, this follows a trend of polls by Gallup. Giuliani could be the Trump Card for the Republicans against Hillary Clinton. Also Giluliani is ahead of Obama by four points. If the Republicans choose another candidate then the Democrats win the race. In other words Thompson might not be the new Reagan.
Democratic Debate
After thinking about the debate it can be argued that we are seeing a split between what the Beltway Politicians and what the public see in the Debate. If you watched the CNN and Fox for the reaction, one could see the MSM ( Main Stream Media ) supporting Hillary Clinton while those that actually matter the voters seem to have a found a new leader in Senator Obama. As I have argued before Obama needed to be quick on his feet in the these debates and last night he showed that he could up his game. Obama could be the Democratic Reagan, he needs a few good Debate shows also he needs to get some political punches in as to show that he wants the job and is not seeking the VP spot in 08.
On the debate itself one question was interesting would those on the platform meet with the leaders of North Korea etc. Obama stated he would meet with them with no conditions, he used Reagan as a example of a leader who would meet with those that he opposed. Clinton was smart and stated that she would not be used as some propaganda peace for those leaders, she does not seem to mind when it comes to Bill Clinton during his troubles. The Liberal based liked the reaction of Obama, the beltway reaction of the MSM liked the Clinton response. Clinton while looking at the long game and the general election might be weak in this race if Obama can show he is the real Liberal in the 2008 election.
Senator Obama won the Debate
Monday, July 23, 2007
Democrats Extreme Left
The Extreme Liberals in the Democratic Party are losing the plot, they cant end the War in Iraq, the Agenda is stalled on the Hill so what do they do compromise and talk to the White House, NO AND NO again they want to Impeach Bush or Cheney or both if they could find a way. In the 1980s the Labour Party pre - Blair had a group called the Militant Tendency, other words the complete left, the Party had to throw them out or die on the vine. In the end this cancer in Labour was removed, the Democrats in the USA find themselves in a very similar position. If they don't throw out the extreme left they risk the chance of losing the next Presidential election and worse for them they could lose the House and Senate. I wonder if the Democrats have the nerve to challenge the real left, and tell them to start their own party. If not then Democrats will fade and the once great party of FDR, Truman, JFK will fade from politics. Nothing is forever, the earth is not and so parties can die from within, lets hope there is a politician in the mould of JFK or RFK would will stand up for the real Democratic Party.
Here is a Interesting article on the Democrats and Impeachment.
The Politico: How the left is causing problems for the Beltway Establishment. How the Party needs to say that Impeachment is off and why. Also has to be said by someone that the left will believe. I would suggest Bill Clinton, he has been through the process and is loved by the Party followers or even Hillary Clinton could argue the point.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
9/11 World
In my previous Blog I looked at the methods of Intelligence networks via the West and East. Here we come to the Post 9/11 World.
Al Qaeda is not a country it is a Terrorist cell or groups, thus all action is required to destroy them, No actions are beyond question; torture is out as it is not effective and not very Western; and all instruments of state should be used to destroy those that are a threat to Western Civilisation.
Here are some interesting articles on the CIA and Al Qaeda.
LA Times : The LA Times reports that President George W. Bush has signed Executive Order " that clears the way for the CIA to resume some of the harsh interrogation methods it has used against terrorism " The article points out that what we in the West would describe as torture is out, on this VIEWS supports a banning of torture. There has to be a difference between the West and those Terrorist groups. On the other hand making life very difficult for those in detention is not a problem. Those on the left will never understand they are still in the pre 9/11 world.
Washington Post: A very interesting article that looks at the history of Interrogation by the CIA and how over the years there have been calls for restraints how the Administration has reacted. A good and balance article worth a read.
The Spy
In the modern age of the Spy and for this brief essay we have the Cold War between the West and the USSR, 1945 - 1991, Post Cold War Period 1991 - 9/11 2001, Post 9/11 Period. Over the weekend VIEWS watched the The Bourne Identity, The Bourne Supremacy, and Smiley's People on DVD. It is interesting how Modern Film Depicts the Shadow World of Intelligence. If you look at the Bourne Identity but switch countries from the USA to Russia it is easy to understand the present strained relationship between the UK and Russia. In the Bourne Identity the CIA goes after a rogue agent after a failed mission, they send other agents to kill him with different methods from guns to knifes. They do not use nuclear material. A real life a ex agent becomes a critic of the Russian government, the allegation is that the Russian Government was not happy and took extreme action, they killed the critic. This is not new in the present Russia.
On the whole in the the Bourne Supremacy is more like a Post Watergate film set during the Cold War. Three Days of the Condor starring Robert Redford is about a researcher who comes across a highly secret operation to invaded the Middle East. The CIA is not happy and try to remove him. The Bourne Supremacy adds a post USSR feel to the movie but this only keeps it current, in essence a rogue CIA agent is the bad actor in the film, the actual CIA has no clue whats going on, more pre - 9/11 period. The problem is we need the CIA out there doing operation we of the great unwashed don't want to know about, we live in the age of mass terrorism. If you have the chance watch the Bourne Identity and see a mirror of our age.
Smiley's People with the one and only Alec Guinness starts with the death of a critic of the USSR, Ex Russian General form Estonia, the removal is via the use of a gun, the plot leads to the downfall of a rogue Russian Security Chief Karla. The Plot of Smiley's people could be changed with a few updates and done again. This time if you believe the reports it is not a Rogue Russian Operation but the arm of the state killing its critics. Thus in many respects the classic work by John Le Carre is a window in to the past and the present.
In the modern age a Intelligence network will follow subjects, listen to their conversations, open their letters, hack their computer email and telephone. Break in to homes and other buildings to take photos or copy computer files that are stored and cant be hacked. Also they will check the bank accounts, medical records, financial records. In operational terms, they will try to compromise people through blackmail such as honey traps, set people up as to make them seem suspect, they try to cause friction within different groups ( MI6 does not kill people ) it gets people to suspect people in their groups and get them to kill them. It should be added that through modern intelligence that satellites can take pictures better than if your standing by a building or a person. Also they can trace Mobiles as UBL found out when the Press in the States published the fact.
Thus VIEWS does not give an opinion about these methods, all the major intelligence networks use them ever day thats their job. But and here is the but, the use of Nuclear Material should never be used, its well very dangerous and can cause major diplomatic problems. In the Cold War it could have been seen as a Act of War. A good film about that is The Fourth Protocol with a future 007. All networks of countries should come to an understanding, above methods in the rule books but nuclear material is a no go area.
Friday, July 20, 2007
Plame Case Redux!
A Judge has dismissed a claim by Valerie Plame; made famous by the Libby Case; that the Officials in the US Government broke the law by talking to the press about her husband's critical view of US v Iraq policy. The Judge decided that it was part of the process for the Administration to talk to the Press.
Thursday, July 19, 2007
UK Servicemen killed in Iraq
The BBC Reports that three servicemen have been killed in Iraq. The UK has lost 162 personnel since the war started in 2003. The MOD reports that it was the RAF that suffered the loss.
Cash for Honours Final Result
The Cash for Honours investigation has come to and end, no charges. VIEWS has argued from the start this should be the end result.
McCain Comeback?
The Politico: A interesting article that looks at the come back plans for Senator McCain. The campaign is using the Reagan example from 1980, readers of this blog will recall that views was using that argument a week ago. Is McCain another Reagan, McCain needs a " Mr Green I paid for this debate " In 1980 the Reagan paid for a Republican Debate the Moderator would not allow Reagan to speak thus the above comment. All the Republican contenders for 1980 where on the platform but there was only one President that night. Reagan showed he could be tough and would fight his corner. In some respects Senator has to be lucky, needs to show himself in a good light, needs to show he can fill the shoes of the Gipper.
British Troops presence in Iraq is to be reduced to five thousand by end of the year at present it is 5500.
Those Bad Old Days!
Well those bad old days are back, diplomats are being thrown out of the UK and Russia. But the circumstances are different, the Cold War is over and both the UK and Russia have developed greater economic ties. The incident that started the problem is not something you can dismiss, killing someone with Nuclear Material in London the Capital of the UK. In the Cold War days that could have been seen as an Act of War. Views is a realist but there are lines you do not cross in covert action in another country, nuclear use is one of them, what if the operation had killed more people or a dirty bomb situation had developed. The UK government has to be firm follow its present policy but on the other hand back channels should be in constant use, the world is very dangerous at the moment, talking is important in this age of mass terrorism.
Iraq and the Democrats
Washington Post: The Democrats have shelved their plans to force a change in policy over Iraq. It is a simple matter of maths, they don't have sixty votes to close debate and they really don't have 67 votes to overturn a Presidential Veto. The Republicans have learnt from the party games played by Democrats when they where in the minority. Iraq has to be give time, winning is the only real option.
NYT: As usual the NYT does not surprise, attacking the Republicans supporting the Democrats over Iraq.
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Al - Qaeda
The US Reports that Al Qaeda is back, not as strong as it was but more of a threat than it has been since 9/11.
National Intelligence Estimate - US Government ( PDF Required )
National Intelligence Estimate - US Government ( PDF Required )
The Right Press on Iraq
Lets see what the intelligent Press is saying about the all night Senate Session.
The Daily Standard: A very interesting article that looks at the politics of the Republicans in the Senate and the failure view of the Democrats. In essence Iraq just might be turning around and thus the affect on the Republicans.
Democrats Failure on Iraq
As public stunts go it was as near to as a failure as you can get, in the end the Democrats could get no where near the sixty votes they needed to end debate on Iraq and go to a vote on the future. In raw numbers it was 52-47 to end debate, the Dem's needed 60. The Democrats would need well over 60 to overturn a Presidential Veto. What a big Yawn!! Do the Democrats get it, there is a war going on out there in Iraq.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Edwards V Clinton
The gutsy wife of John Edwards, Elizabeth Edwards goes after Hillary Clinton in a Salon Interview. Worth a Read even if you think John Edwards will not win.
New Polls from Zogby
A new poll from the respected pollster Zogby. As before VIEWS does not like national polls.
Democrats: Clinton is still in the lead but not by much here are the raw results.
Clinton 37 %
Obama 25 %
Edwards 11 %
Although Clinton has the lead VIEWS still thinks Obama will win the nomination. He could be the Democratic Reagan.
Republicans : Thompson ahead of Giuliani not by much but this could be the start of the surge if McCain is out by the new year. Here are the raw results.
Thompson 22 %
Giuliani 21 %
McCain 9 %
McCain is in fourth in the poll, could still turn it around just, but time and money is not on his side. Another Reagan could be on the way to the White House in the shape of Fred Thompson.
Democrats: Clinton is still in the lead but not by much here are the raw results.
Clinton 37 %
Obama 25 %
Edwards 11 %
Although Clinton has the lead VIEWS still thinks Obama will win the nomination. He could be the Democratic Reagan.
Republicans : Thompson ahead of Giuliani not by much but this could be the start of the surge if McCain is out by the new year. Here are the raw results.
Thompson 22 %
Giuliani 21 %
McCain 9 %
McCain is in fourth in the poll, could still turn it around just, but time and money is not on his side. Another Reagan could be on the way to the White House in the shape of Fred Thompson.
Democrats Pandering Again!
It is a cheap stunt not a good stunt but a stunt, the US Senate will hold a all night session so the Democrats can pander to their base, makes one want to take to drink, tea of course!!. The Issue is of course Iraq. The Democrats don't have 60 votes to close debate, the whole Chamber knows that so do we, just pandering.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Iraq on Sunday
Weekly Standard: A very accurate article on how the Establishment in in the Beltway from the Democrats, Foreign Policy Establishment and the Elite Media hate Bush so much they want to see the USA fail in Iraq. If the USA fails in Iraq, the UK will also be damaged in the future. William Kristol writes the following, " Democratic party in Congress, much of the media, and the foreign policy establishment--have joined together to try to panic the country, and the Bush administration, into giving up. " This is not the time to be weak, thus could be the turning point, the Democrats could pay a political cost for being weak again on National Security.
Weekly Standard : A look at the Mind Set of Democrats on the Hill, they are still in pre 9/11 World. How this can be used by Republicans as an example of weakness both on Iraq and the War on Terrorism.
Friday, July 13, 2007
Iraq Redux!
The US House of Representatives has voted again to withdraw troops, they don't have enough votes to over turn a Presidential Veto, why bother, simple one word, pandering!!. This is why Congress has lower approval rating than President Bush and that takes some doing. Where is there a Truman or a Kennedy in the Democratic Party, Liberal but strong on National Security. Puts VIEWS off his tea and that is not good!!
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Iraq Progress?
A report that shows some progress in Iraq just might give the President some breathing space not much but just enough.
White Report on Iraq: Click Here
The New York Times : A very fair article on the situation in Iraq. Some progress, it should give the President some breathing space and but the Democrats in a hard position. They can not afford to look like they want to lose in Iraq.
White Report on Iraq: Click Here
Death in Afghanistan
It seems when ever I write about Afghanistan I am writing about the death of a British Soldier. As stated before Afghanistan is more of a worry to VIEWS than Iraq. Afghanistan is the grave yard of Empire's. The place has been invaded by every one from the UK to the USA. The place is almost never at peace. I worry about Afghanistan, so far we have lost 64 soldiers. In Iraq we have lost, 123 in Combat and 36 in other incidents. In Total 159 killed. In combined operations, 223.
Executive Privilege Again
The Boston Globe: A very interesting article on Defining Executive Privilege, and on the arguments that could be used by the President and Congress in the courts. The Article states the following, " If the issue gets to court, anything can happen. " As VIEWS has stated the President should stand on his authority. The case could take years, time is sometimes a great asset for politicians.
McCain's Future?
A interesting article by Robert Novak on Senator McCain' s future in the Republican race. Novak writes the following, " McCain's slimmed-down campaign will concentrate on early contests in Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina. " Both Reagan and Kerry had problems in their campaigns, as stated in last blog Reagan fired his campaign manger the night before the N.H. Primary. The Senator has to became Mr Conservative or if he is out what about V.P to Fred Thompson.
Nixon in the Fold!
The Richard Nixon Presidential Library and Museum is know part of the other Presidential Libraries in the USA System.
New Threat to the USA?
Al Qaeda as reported by A.P. is back as a major threat, all action by the USA and its Allies was effective for a short time but reading the press wires it seems the Intelligence Community is worried about a terrorist attack this year after the planned and actual attacks in London and Glasgow.
Congress is going on holiday soon, thus we have the Democrats pandering to the base yet again. There a few Republicans who are scared by the polls and thus voted with the Democrats for those that return from Iraq to spend an equal time back in the USA before further action. The move was defeated because the Democrats did not have sixty votes to close debate. The Administration has about month and half to get something going in Iraq before the President losses support on the Hill. Even VIEWS is close to throwing in the towel and supporting getting out of Iraq.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Executive Privilege
More on the U.S Attorney firings, an ex aide of President Bush decline to discuss matters under the Directive of Executive Privilege by the President.
Iraq Politics
A look at the politics of Iraq, how Iraq is hurting Bush on the Hill and the different plans being but forward to change the policy. On the whole a fair article from the NYT.
McCain Supernova!!
Is Senator McCain finished, well his campaign is going supernova but this is not the end. Reagan in 1980 sacked his campaign manger before the N.H primary, Reagan went on to win the Presidency. Thus here are some of the articles on the McCain Campaign.
Washington Post: A look at the supernova of the McCain Campaign. Long Time Aides gone, seeking to calm the staff and the money supporters. Views does not think it is over yet, McCain needs to became Mr Conservative, Bush 43 owes him a lot, Bush still has some of the base. Bush should start to support McCain. Lets face it Bush has nothing to lose.
National Review: A look at how McCain compares to past candidates for President in the Republican field. Also where McCain went wrong on different Issues. The major two being Iraq and Immigration. The Republicans are going off the Iraq war and they never supported Immigration Bill.
Slate: The article states the following, " Ronald Reagan and John Kerry fired their top strategists and went on to win the nomination. " Also the Senator was worried about the money spent. In the end this could be the making of McCain or the finish of his Presidential run.
Monday, July 09, 2007
The Truth
The Daily Standard: A Excellent Article on Iraq by William Kristol. A must read, Highly Recommended.
The first test for those low in the National Polls.
Bloomberg.com: Edwards looking to win Iowa and win from there, VIEWS has his doubts that he will even win Iowa. Dean went left in 04 and Kerry won. Edwards is even more left, Iowa is not foolish.
Bloomberg.com: Edwards looking to win Iowa and win from there, VIEWS has his doubts that he will even win Iowa. Dean went left in 04 and Kerry won. Edwards is even more left, Iowa is not foolish.
Republicans - 2008
Latest Polls for Republicans: Political Note, VIEWS does not like National Polls.
USA/ Gallup Poll
Giuliani 30 %
Thompson 20 %
McCain 16 %
USA/ Gallup Poll
Giuliani 30 %
Thompson 20 %
McCain 16 %
Democrats - 2008
Latest Polls for the Democrats. Views does not like National Polls, but its out there.
USA/ Gallup Poll National Poll
Clinton 37 %
Obama 21 %
Edwards 13 %
USA/ Gallup Poll National Poll
Clinton 37 %
Obama 21 %
Edwards 13 %
Vice - President Cheney
The New York Times is having another go at Vice - President Richard Cheney. They have gone back to their favorite issue, Iran - Contra , they could never accept that Ronald Reagan was not Richard Nixon and Iran - Contra was not Watergate. Lets see, Reagan left office one of the most popular Presidents in history, the Discovery Channel had him as the greatest American. Also lets not forget that Reagan was popular hence Bush 41 got elected President, to many this was seen as Reagan's third Term.
The article looks at the role of Cheney on Iran - Contra when he was in the House and looked in to the Iran - Contra Affair or Irangate to Liberals. At its most basic the Republicans thought the President was right and the Congress was wrong. When he became Vice - President, Cheney followed the the same policy when it comes to the powers of the President. As history shows President Reagan was right and so is Vice - President Cheney.
Iraq Articles
Here are some interesting articles on Iraq:
New York Times: Looking at the political pressure on President Bush and how this will effect Iraq policy. The President could move to remove troops from the Baghdad to the Border and cut down on American Deaths. This would have a couple of positives, he could define the change, thus still have troops in Iraq and to defeat the terrorists. Also more on the political front would out fox the the Liberal Democrats. If there had to be change this could be a good move.
Robert Novak: It seems from the article that the President is still in denial about Iraq. That he has like Tony Blair decided on his course and that is an end of the matter, problem the Congress has the money.
Iraq and the Press
A intersting Editorial from the WSJ:
WSJ: The paper is having a go at Republican Senators for allowing Beltway pressure to move them to oppose the surge in Iraq, " ..GOP Senators looking ahead to the 2008 elections have decided that the real front in the war lies not in Baghdad or Baquba but in the Beltway, and that a "bipartisan" redeployment is a worthier goal than backing the current battle plan. " Senators have to get Re- Elected, if the main stream media is to do in Iraq what they did in Vietnam then the Republicans and their supporters have to look reality and meet the Liberal Democrats head on. The President if need be should be on the TV every day day, make Iraq the only discussion that matters. If the USA and the UK leave Iraq, they will have to came back, this is not Vietnam, the terrorists will use Iraq to attack the West. Then there is the Oil Money, Terrorists with that kind of money could make the Cold War look like happy hour.
The reality, the USA does not have unlimited time in Iraq, the USA and UK should take the old Kennedy ethos, win no matter what but win. The time is short, if needed send in more troops, ready or not, we don't have the time to wait for a planned victory. The time is coming when if the Congress will try to pull the plug on Iraq. This is the for winning, if your Republican make sure that your Congress man or woman know that any weakness will cost them at the polls. It is time to go after the Democrats, any scandals that have been kept in the safe for future use should be used, this is not the time for nice, this is the time for Nixon hard ball. The West can not afford to lose in Iraq, thus the liberals have to be defeated on this issue. Win is the only result that counts, go after any weakness, any scandal, turn up the heat, losing is not a option.
The Liberals think the Plame case shows Nixon hard Ball. Political hard ball in its actual sense means using all legal political methods to win. The Plame Case was nothing like Watergate. By hard Ball I mean take the fight to Liberals, make them come up with a workable policy on Iraq. All they have done so far is say get out, but what happens if the place goes to hell after USA and UK troops leave. The President should use all his power to make the Democrats show some policy that will work. The Democrats have had a free ride so far, Republicans have been on the defensive know is the time to take the political fight to them, make them take a stand, make them take the results. If Iraq goes to hell make it like China, do Democrats want another China and the cost that was to them politically.
Sunday, July 08, 2007
Vanity Fair
A very interesting article by the late great writer David Halberstam on George W. Bush. A very interesting article even if you wont agree with it, worth a read this Sunday.
Iraq Developments
The Latest News from Iraq and the the Elite Media: For those that supported going to War in Iraq it might be time to admit it is time to get out ( VIEWS found that very hard to write ) there comes a time when you have to admit you are the Titanic and you have hit an Iceberg. The point being their is no rescue ( for your Foreign Policy ) and it time to save your own troops. If we have to get out, get out. There is not point is losing one more Soldier through combat or accident.
LA Times : The paper reports that the President is losing his political troops on the Hill. Although not enough yet to force him to change policy, the situation on the ground in Iraq has to change or it will be the Republicans who tell the President to change policy. LA Times could not help itself it bought up President Richard Nixon and by meaning Watergate. It is a Liberal Newspaper. It has some good points but once it starts to mention Nixon you can guess its real meaning.
Time: A look at Defence Spending and how that effects troops in Iraq and those that return. On how Democratic Senators want to help by spending on better equipment and medical help for those that return form Iraq. Also the constant aim of Liberal Democrats to stop the War in Iraq. Also wanting to end SDI. Interesting article.
Tony Blair and Iraq
On the BBC today Alastair Campbell, Tony Blair's former Communications Director stated that Iraq was the toughest choice of his life for Tony Blair. If so tough a choice why didn't he hang around to try and solve the mess that is Iraq. I guess VIEWS will have to buy the Alistair Campbell Diaries.
The Good Shepherd
Have just seen a excellent fiction film on the birth of the CIA. A very good film but as with everything one or two negatives. As VIEWS has read some of the history of the CIA it was quite easy to figure out who was who and the events that film was trying to depict. But that is the point, VIEWS has some information as to judge the film. The DVD could have done with a documentary of the real and fiction and what events did happen and what events might have happened. Also would have like to seen that USSR and the KGB also did some of the things that the CIA had to do, not a one way street in undercover action.
As with the above review it is still an excellent film with a strong cast and a script that makes you think but more important a very good director, Robert De Niro. I think Mr De Niro has added directing to his film talents, look forward to his next film as a directer.
Live Earth
Well folks VIEWS has had enough, watched some of the commentary on the Live Earth gig, sorry the science is not agreed on that it is us poor humans that is causing the damage. What about the last Ice Age or the Time of the T - Rex. The Earth has and will change, it is the height of arrogance to think we control how the world will develop. In a few Billion years time the Sun will go Super Nova, is that our fault. GIVE ME A BREAK!
Friday, July 06, 2007
Honours Result?
The result of the Honours investigation should be known quite soon, the CPS has the full file and will decided if any one should face some Court Time. Lets hope it is finished soon and the case dismissed. All those involved have stated that they did nothing wrong and their word should be taken. We are in a New Era. The Country face new problems, Blair is off to the Middle East and PM Brown has to stop being nervous at Prime Minister's Question Time.
More on Libby!
Washington Post: E. J. Dionne is not happy about the Libby Commuted sentence . The Main Stream Media ( MSM ) want another Watergate. They see anything Bush does as wrong or worse. It could be argued that Bush should the opposite what the MSM wants and get his base back. The President was right in the Libby case.
Thursday, July 05, 2007
Libby and the Media
Here are some interesting articles on the Libby Case.
Robert Novak: A interesting article in many respects from the reporter whose article started the whole mess. In essence a critic of President Bush for the lack of action over many years.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: This article looks at the reaction of the Liberal Media to the scandals of Bill Clinton and argues that the President got it right in the Libby case.
Chicago Tribune: One could argue this is from a Liberal view point.
NYDN: Recalling the Clinton years. Views states Bush still looks good compared to those years.
L A Times : A Liberal Paper, therefore some how the Libby case has some connection to Iraq.
Robert Novak: A interesting article in many respects from the reporter whose article started the whole mess. In essence a critic of President Bush for the lack of action over many years.
Pittsburgh Post-Gazette: This article looks at the reaction of the Liberal Media to the scandals of Bill Clinton and argues that the President got it right in the Libby case.
Chicago Tribune: One could argue this is from a Liberal view point.
NYDN: Recalling the Clinton years. Views states Bush still looks good compared to those years.
L A Times : A Liberal Paper, therefore some how the Libby case has some connection to Iraq.
Libby Case
The Huffington Post: A excellent article by the famed attorney Alan Dershowitz. In essence the courts should stay out of politics, Libby would have gotten bail in other circumstances. The President is a politician, thus a political case, its in the power of the President to act in such cases.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Brown's Reforms?
The Prime Minister announced today sweeping reforms to give Parliament more power, but we do not live in a USA style system. The House of Commons is controlled by the Majority Party. Its like selling an old product, new image but the content that matters. All reforms would give Parliament more power if the Executive did not come from the Commons and Lords. Its a class art in Spin but still spin. The Iraq War was approved by the House of Commons. There is an old British Comedy about Politics called Yes Minister, one show was about "Open Government", the best way to be less open is to announce it with headline grabbing news, its in the detail. PM's don't give up power they just got, plus its a green paper, the discussion period, that could take as long as Gordon Brown is Prime Minister to come to an end and then a White Paper on the subject. Spin is not finished yet!!
Mr Libby and the Elite Media
Here is how the Elite Media is Reporting the Libby Case.
CNN, reports that the President has not ruled out a full Pardon for Mr Libby. If Clinton can do it why not Bush on January 20th 2009.
Time, looks at the political implications of the Libby Case and the after effects for the Bush Administration.
MSNBC, looks at the history of Presidential Power when it comes to Pardons and Commutation.
New York Times , On the whole a fair article, worth a read.
New York Times - Editorial Lets just say not very postive for Presdient Bush.
CNN, reports that the President has not ruled out a full Pardon for Mr Libby. If Clinton can do it why not Bush on January 20th 2009.
Time, looks at the political implications of the Libby Case and the after effects for the Bush Administration.
MSNBC, looks at the history of Presidential Power when it comes to Pardons and Commutation.
New York Times , On the whole a fair article, worth a read.
New York Times - Editorial Lets just say not very postive for Presdient Bush.
Grant of Executive Clemency
The President has granted Executive Clemency to Mr Libby, this is good, President George W. Bush should be congratulated by those that support the President.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Meet the Press Part Two
I can not stand bad politics from the left or right, Republicans or Democrats. Please can someone tell me who though it was a great idea after the events in the UK for Senator Patrick Leahy to turn up on Meet the Press and act as if this was the 1970s and George W. Bush was Richard Nixon. It seems that Democrats have learnt nothing at all, after the London events it is even more important for intelligence to track people and what do the Democrats give the appearance of doing, if not their actual aim, they want to treat UBL as some ordinary American and therefore with the same rights. Senator Obama is right about old politicians fighting the battles of the 60s and 70s, not sure he would agree with me on this but you get the impression that some of these old Senators are stuck in a Time Warp. The High Water Mark for them was the mid 1970s, Nixon and Watergate. The Democrats don't have a real answer to the problems in Iraq or for Terrorism in general. Thus one of the best intelligence programmes that tracks calls from outside the United States they want to know under what law it was used and who they are tracking. SMELL THE COFFEE Democrats 9/11 happened and American lost nearly three thousand people in one day. How many attacks after that on USA soil none. The question what do the Democrats say, well something might have gone wrong or some box was not ticked. They act as if they want to catch someone out. The President should faced these people down, once for all, do the American People want security or do they want to return to the Clinton Years, yes those years where UBL could plan for 9/11. Those years where the Democrats could keep their hands clean, we know the cost to the West.
The President should go on National Television and tell the American people how the tracking works and give them a choice, do they want security or are they happy to have the Democrats in charge of National Security. Make it clear they are the two choices, the Democrats keep their noses out or else the programme is off. JFK once stated life is not fair, truth is harsh and political truth is harsher. The Democrats who control Congress are losing support, do they really want to face a tough President who makes them choose before an Election, old Liberals naivety or the Truth of the Modern Age. The President should come out fighting, make the Democrats wish they had never bough the subject up. This is not the 1970s and UBL is not Richard Nixon, TIME FOR DEMOCRATS TO SMELL THE COFFEE.
Blair's Back!
Tony Blair is back in a way, the UK Guardian reports in a pre- leaving interview he is critical of Extreme British Islamists in the UK for their actions and their views of how Muslims are treated in the UK and around the World. Blair States the following " It's not just your methods that are wrong, your ideas are absurd. Nobody is oppressing you. Your sense of grievance isn't justified, " I guess since he is no longer PM Tony Blair can say what he wants but it should be noted that he is know a peace envoy to the Middle East. Just a point. Gordon Brown is not going to happy folks, have to admit been impressed with Gordon Brown these past few days.
The Article notes that their is a programme on the last days in Power of Tony Blair on Channel 4 at 8pm on Monday. Sure Gordon Brown will be watching just in case TB has some points to make about their relationship while he was in No 10 and Brown was in No 11.
Dr Who
If your favorite hero is a Time Lord over 925 then have a look at Outpost Gallifrey. Highly Recommended. Who would have thought that Captain Jack was in fact.., would say more but the reader might not have seen the last show, cant wait for the Xmas special and the new season.
A interesting review of a new Book on Secretary of State Rice, interesting and informative. It has some commentary on her supposed faults but this is the New York Times. But if you have a the time worth a read. It does leave you thinking, Rice in 2012 for President....
Liberal New York Times
It seems that the New York Times just can take it any more, Bush is Bush therefore he is guilty. This should be of no great surprise, this paper covered up for Uncle Jo Stalin. What a way for a great paper to go, so SAD.
Sunday Telegraph
The Sunday Telegraph makes a excellent point we have been lucky so far but luck has a way of running out when you really need it, thus again the need for the government to take firm action against those that wish to destroy our Liberal Democracy. Time is running Out.
Views recalls getting up late on 9/11, he switched on the TV, he though we was watching a movie, planes in to buildings, it was like something out of 24. It is from that date that VIEWS supported the plans for the War in Iraq. That day changed the World, VIEWS does not want to wake up to something like that happening again in England, Scotland or Wales. Thus again VIEWS calls for Internment for the security of the UK.
Age of Terror
The past two days has reminded us that we live in the Age of Terror, 9/11 was the start for the USA, in the UK we had 7/7. The attempted and actual attacks of the past two days has not caused any loss of life to the general public, but reading reports it seems that those that planned both attacks where not on the radar screen of the security services, thus I will throw out a tough question, we live in a Liberal Democracy, but at what time do you ask a simple question, what is more important civil liberaties or the saftey of the public. Thus it can be argued that the government should bring back internment for those that it considers to be threat to National Security. Although we have signed up to the European Human Rights Act, this is not a reason for the government to defend the security of the people. If you don't have enough evidence to arrest an individual but enough to make you very worried about the safety of the public there is only one option, Internment.
There will be those that will argue that we ended up talking to the Terrorists in Norther Ireland, and that is true, but we can never talk to UBL or Al - Qaeda , they are opposed to Liberal Democracy in all its aspects, there can only be one winner in this War on Terror. As in 1939 we in the West can not afford to lose, no talks no meetings mid way, Al - Aaeda has to be destroyed. This War on Terror will out last those here present, the difference from the past it can be argued is that UBL and Al Qaeda will use Weapons of Mass Destruction should they get their hands on them, 9/11 and 7/7 showed that human life means nothing to these Terrorists. They would like to kill hundrerds, thousdans or even the millions. Thus VIEWS TODAY CALLS FOR INTERNMENT.
Internment has not worked in the past, USA and UK have both taken this action, but letting people off the hook because there is not enough evidence is not a good enough reason. If you cant bring people to trial but you have enough evidence to be worried it is better to place these people in a place where you can look after them but also investigate their case more without the pressure of having to let them go after 28 or 90 days. It should be noted that although VIEWS is a Neo Con in a real way VIEWS is a Classic Liberal, Limited Government but the role of Government is to protect the people. Thus it is time for serious people to think outside the box, security of all the people of the UK must come first and last.
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