Monday, July 09, 2007

Vice - President Cheney

The New York Times is having another go at Vice - President Richard Cheney. They have gone back to their favorite issue, Iran - Contra , they could never accept that Ronald Reagan was not Richard Nixon and Iran - Contra was not Watergate. Lets see, Reagan left office one of the most popular Presidents in history, the Discovery Channel had him as the greatest American. Also lets not forget that Reagan was popular hence Bush 41 got elected President, to many this was seen as Reagan's third Term.

The article looks at the role of Cheney on Iran - Contra when he was in the House and looked in to the Iran - Contra Affair or Irangate to Liberals. At its most basic the Republicans thought the President was right and the Congress was wrong. When he became Vice - President, Cheney followed the the same policy when it comes to the powers of the President. As history shows President Reagan was right and so is Vice - President Cheney.

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