Wednesday, May 15, 2024

President Biden to debate former President Trump Twice - 2024 Candidates / 2024 General Election - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

It is surprising that either candidates accepted the debates, on the Trump side, he is going in to the mouth of the liberal press, the anchors on CNN can barely contain the expectation that Trump will be found guilty in his Court Case and be sent to prison, on the Biden side the campaign staff must be worried that Biden will say something stupid that they have to walk back.  Also the debates are early and not done through the usual process, what about the Conventions , the election does not normally start in till after Labour Day, September 1st.   Are both sides worried about the polls, is Trump really in the lead in the Swing States, does Biden know something that hi s campaign does not, he does trust the polls.  The rest of the networks  will be up in arms, Fox OR NBC, will winder why they were not given a chance, thus the modern Campaigns.

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