Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Has the New Russian Offensive Stalled in the Ukraine - Ukraine - Russian WAR - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The above could be because the delayed US military kit has finally arrived, the Russians have the men they have endless men, but they do not have the military kit, the Biden Administration has to be quick, if cannot allow the Ukraine to fall to the Russians.  The Russian Bear would not be just happy with the Donbas in the East of the Ukraine, they would go after all of it, what next Poland the Baltic States.  Also this is a Presidential Election year in the US, its Biden verses Trump, Biden might be senile but he is all we got to support US security and that of the West.   This cannot be another Afghanistan! The Debates will be interesting, all Biden has to do is turn up an not fall over, and he will be a shoe in November.  Biden has to attack Trump on national security, Trump is a puppet of Putin.

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