Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Alarming Poll results for Biden in NEW POLL - 2024 Candidates / 2024 General Election - Biden Era

 The Hill: Reports the following, " Polling sets off fresh alarm bells for Biden...The poll found Trump leading in five out of six swing states, with Wisconsin the lone place where Biden is ahead.  "

Lets Get Real:

As stated by many polls are snapshots of time, the Trump Trial could still find him GUILTY of paying off a PORN STAR, on other hand that is not a crime, that crime is how he paid her off, if you want more watch CNN, this blog does not dirty itself with such stories.   Let's face it, Trump is a celebrity, the rules are different, the voters might see the Court Case as Democratic over reach, it could well be.  Thus the Biden team have to fight as if they are behind in the State Polls, and they are, Trump cannot be allowed to WIN, he would be disaster for the US and the Western Alliance.  Why his polls are still up is open to question, have the people not taken a real interest in the case, do they care more about their wallets than US national security.

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