Friday, September 30, 2022

Ukraine wants FAST TRACK to Membership of NATO - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

The above will be used by the controlled Russia Media to carry weight to Putin's speech that the Russia was in conflict with the West after accepting the 4 Regions of the Ukraine in to Russia today after a 4 sham referendums.  The West has to take FIRM ACTION against Russia, they should consider getting the Ukraine in to NATO and the EU, show how a democratic West can combine to deal with an aggressive Russia Bear.  Putin's speech was MAD, up there with Hitler and Stalin in its untruths, and re-writing history.  Also the West has to upgrade its sanctions, make those close to Putin hurt in the wallet.  The next question is, how will Putin react if the Ukraine gains more its land back from the Russians, will he use tactical nuclear weapon, in the speech Putin did mention the fact that the US had dropped 2 nuclear bombs on Japan in 1945, forcing their surrender, is he really that MAD, yes might be the answer from his speech today.  The West should consider placing tactical nuclear weapons in the Ukraine, to show the West can fire with fire, its dangerous but it might frighten Putin off. 

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