Sunday, July 17, 2022

Iran could have a NUCLEAR BOMB if it wanted - Tehran - Biden Era

Lets Get Real:

This could be IT folks, of course this blog does not trust Tehran for one minute, if they say they can make the bomb if they wish, that means they have the bomb and this is just to let the WORLD KNOW, that they can strike Israel should Israel decide that it cannot wait for Joe Biden to pull his finger out and do something.  One does hope that the CIA, NSA, GCHQ, MI6 have their ears open and agents on the ground to help if the West decides they have to strike, if TEHRAN does not return to the diplomatic table and be totally honest with the UN and the West they leave the West with very few non military options, they have more sanctions on them that Russia at the minute, and still they build towards the bomb.  One does hope that the Biden Oval is up to this crisis, and if the story is true, this is major crisis like the Russian invasion of the Ukraine. 

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