Saturday, March 05, 2022

Russians BREAK Ceasefire DEAL - Ukraine - Russian War - New Cold War 2

Lets Get Real:

Its the Russians that have form for being WAR CRIMINALS, there brutal invasion against a Democratic Ukraine has shown that they are no respecters of international norms, this is about President trying to recreate the OLD EVIL USSR.  The Ukraine people are suffering because Putin has made it clear that he does not see the Ukraine as a real STATE but part of Russia.  The problem is that Putin wants rewind the clock back to 1997, before Eastern European States joined NATO, he wants the Soviet zone of influence, this of course cannot happen, as it would cause WW3.  The problem is that the Ukraine is very much like Czechoslovakia of 1938/39, as then the Ukraine will be sacrificed to appease Putin as Czechoslovakia was sacrificed to appease Adolf Hitler.  As in both cases the end is on the Polish border and Poland is part of NATO, thus a the West has made CLEAR, it will defend every inch of NATO States.  Is WW3 around the corner and can it be stopped. 

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